
Necronautilus: Science Fantasy TTRPG

Created by Adam Vass

Catalogue new planets in a dead galaxy, learn powerful magical words, & remember who you once were. For story gamers & osr fans alike.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

16k stretch goal unlocked! Learn more about the game!
almost 4 years ago – Mon, Jul 20, 2020 at 10:07:28 PM

Map Unlocked

We just hit 16k which means everyone is getting a customizable galaxy map with their game! As mentioned, digital will get PNG and PDF files, physical edition will get a big poster you can write/draw/put stickers on. I had a good feeling this one would get unlocked by the end of the weekend and am glad you have proven me right!

I'm waiting on confirmation from one more person before I announce the next stretch goal so stay tuned for another announcement later this week :)

In The Press

I did a couple interviews this week to talk about Necronautilus--how it works, how you interact with it, what excites me about it, what I hope players get out of it, etc. First up, here is a nice interview with the folks at Midgardia and their Cool Crowdfunding show:

Next, I had an even more intense conversation with my friend Joe as part of the Not Pretty But Wonderful project where we talk more broadly about my design journey and how I ended up at Necronautilus. This one is less specific to this project but gives a lot of insight into what makes game design an engaging creative activity for me and a way to interact with and learn about people.

Lastly, I talk to my friend and bandmate Jordan on La Dispute's podcast Here, Hear about game design, its cross section with music and art, lyric games, and the way RPGs elicit emotional responses in similar but distinct ways from other media. This episode drops Thursday, or early to La Dispute patrons on Tuesday, but here is a link to the show anyway.

If you have a podcast, youtube channel, twitch stream that you'd like to talk with me about games on, let me know in the comments or get at me on twitter @WCGameCo! Discussing my process and this game in general has made me really excited but also more mindful of my process and what to focus my attention on while developing and promoting the game further.

Big Thanks Once Again

That's all for now, thank you again for being a part of this project! This campaign has now exceeded the final funding for my game Cobwebs which means it is my most financially successful kickstarter yet! It is already going to be my largest print run. If we get more than 479 backers, it'll be the largest audience I've acquired too, we should do something special for that... leave suggestions in the comments.


First Stretch Goal Announced
almost 4 years ago – Wed, Jul 15, 2020 at 06:59:35 PM

We're triple-funded just five hours into the campaign which is such a great sight to see. I intended to save this for later in the week but since things are moving fast, I've got an announcement for everyone:

At $12,000, the exceptionally talented Shel Kahn will provide the book with an extreme interplanetary new cover! Shel is a great friend and knows way more about metal than I do and I couldn't think of anyone better to handle this job. Check out some of their work on display here:

There will be more stretch goals announced down the road as the campaign continues to drift deeper into space. Let's rally and get this cover art unlocked!

almost 4 years ago – Wed, Jul 15, 2020 at 06:59:15 PM

Wow, can't believe I have to write an update less than an hour after launch but we did it! Already passed our funding goal which means NECRONAUTILUS will be coming your way! So excited to bring you this wild game that really feels like a culmination of all of my design work from the past few years.

If you can, please tell a friend about this project! There are some hidden stretch goals that I'll reveal this week that we can still unlock with some continued support and some more backers to make this project even better than I already dreamed. If you share this elsewhere, there is an easier link so you don't have to remember how to spell the game's name: I'll throw a couple images below you can use to share as well.

As always, thanks so much for your continued support of my game design, especially this one which is already on track to be my biggest self-published release to date. I'll be in touch soon with even more undead glory to share!